Receita de macarrão com camarão cajun

Receita de macarrão com camarão cajun :- If you are looking for a dish that combines flavours that are intense and spicy with a texture that is irresistible, then the Macarrão with Cajun Cajun is the perfect choice for you. Cajun cuisine is a rich culinary tradition that originated in Louisiana, which is located in the United States of America. This dish brings the essence of Cajun cooking to your table.


Receita de macarrão com camarão cajun

With its generous use of spices and straightforward cooking methods that highlight the natural flavours of the ingredients, Cajun cooking has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Neither this macarrão nor this camarão is an exception. Camarões suculentos temperados, along with a picante mixture of cajun especiarias, pimentões coloridos, and tomates cereja, are the ingredients that make up this combination.


Also Read :- Receita de macarrão com ovo



Para o tempero Cajun:

  • 1 colher de sopa de páprica defumada
  • 1 colher de chá de sal
  • 1 colher de chá de alho em pó
  • 1 colher de chá de cebola em pó
  • 1 colher de chá de pimenta caiena
  • 1 colher de chá de orégano seco
  • 1 colher de chá de tomilho seco
  • 1/2 colher de chá de pimenta-do-reino moída

Para o prato:

  • 450g de camarões grandes, descascados e limpos
  • 2 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva
  • 1 cebola média, picada
  • 1 pimentão vermelho, cortado em tiras
  • 1 pimentão verde, cortado em tiras
  • 3 dentes de alho, picados
  • 1 xícara de tomate cereja, cortados ao meio
  • 1 xícara de creme de leite
  • 1 xícara de caldo de galinha
  • 1/2 xícara de queijo parmesão ralado
  • 340g de macarrão (penne, fettuccine, ou sua escolha)
  • Sal e pimenta a gosto
  • Salsinha fresca picada para guarnecer



The Cajun seasoning can be prepared by combining all of the ingredients for the Cajun seasoning in a small tigela. Do not use. Cozinhar o macarrão: Cozinhe o macarrão in uma panela grande with água salgada, seguindo as instruções da embalagem, until it reaches the point when it is firm and chewy. Reserve for escorting you.

Once the camarões have been prepared, they should be tempered using approximately two colheres of sopa from the Cajun tempero. This should be done while ensuring that all of the camarões are properly coated. Put the chopped onion in the oven and cook it for another minute, until the aroma is released.


at prepare the camarões, place one cup of a soup made with olive oil and azeite in a large refrigerator and heat it at a medium-high temperature. Add the camarões and cook them for approximately two to three minutes on each side, until they are rosated and cooked. The camarões of the frigideira and reserve have been remova.

In the meantime, prepare the vegetables by adding a tablespoon of a soup made from the leftover azeite of olives to the refrigerator. Acrescente a cebola picada e cozinhe até being translúcida, which should take approximately three to four minutes. Adding the peppers and cooking them for a further four to five minutes until they are melted.


Nutrition Tips:

The final step in the preparation of the dish is to add the ralado cheese to the molho and mexa until it is incorporated and completed. It is necessary to return the camarões to the refrigerator and ensure that they are properly mistured. Put the macarrão that has been heated and the misture together so that it completely covers the molho.

Prepare by combining salt and pepper to taste. To serve, please prepare the macarrão with Cajun camarão and serve it in individual portions. Immediately prior to serving, garnish with a fresh and picada salsa. To enhance the flavour, you can add a small amount of fresh lime juice to the dish before serving it. This will add an extra layer of flavour.


In the event that you would like a custard that is more creamy, add more cream of milk to the recipe as required. Make the necessary adjustments to the amount of caiene pepper in the Cajun seasoning in accordance with your personal preference for piquanta.

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