Receita de macarrão com ovo

Receita de macarrão com ovo :- A macarrão com ovo is a recipe that is considered to be a classic, as it integrates simplicity and flavour in an impeccable manner. This dish, which has its roots in Italian cuisine, has gained popularity in many parts of the world due to the ease with which it can be prepared and the deliciousness of the end product. This is an excellent choice for those days when you are in need of something quick, but you do not want to give up the opportunity to consume a nutritious and savoury meal.


Receita de macarrão com ovo

You are able to prepare a dish that is pleasing to everyone by using a small number of ingredients and a short amount of time. This may be done for a quick lunch during the week or even for impressing guests at the end of the week. The foundation of this recipe is a macarrão al dente that has been mixed with eggs that have been lightly beaten, alho dourado, and queijo parmesão, resulting in a combination that is both reviving and comforting.


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  • 250g de macarrão (espaguete, talharim, ou sua preferência)
  • 4 ovos grandes
  • 2 colheres de sopa de manteiga
  • 1/2 xícara de queijo parmesão ralado
  • 2 dentes de alho picados
  • 1/4 xícara de salsinha fresca picada
  • Sal e pimenta a gosto
  • Opcional: bacon picado, cebolinha, ou outras ervas de sua preferência



During the process of producing the Macarrão, it is recommended to commence by filling a large panela with water and including an adequate quantity of salt. Your preparation of the water will be aided by this. Maintain a foggy environment while you bring the water to a boil. Cooking macarrão involves the following steps: A macarrão should be added to the boiling water and then cooked in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

The processes involved in preparing the eggs: I am a huge fan of eggs. Before utilising a tigela, you should first quebre the eggs, and then you should gently beat them with a garfo or a bateor until the jewels and the claras are fully mixed together. This should be done until the tigela is completed.


In order to temper the eggs, add a pitada of salt and pepper to the combination consisting of the eggs that have been beaten and the whole mixture. The preparations are being made to prepare a blend of butter and almonds. This is the manteiga, Derreta: Derreta the two colheres of the manteiga soup in an oven set to medium speed. Place the refrigerator in another large refrigerator.

Adding the chopped alho to the refrigerator and cooking it for approximately one to two minutes is the process of cooking the alho. This procedure is repeated until the alho becomes fragrant and rich. Due to the fact that the alho has the ability to become irritated, it is important to take steps to prevent disrupting it.


Establishing a Connection Between All of the Constituents: Ensure that the macarrão is incorporated into the refrigerator. The macarrão should be brought to a temperature that is warm, and then it should be placed in the refrigerator beside the alho and the manteiga. If you desire the macarrão to be encased in a mixture of alho and manteiga, it is imperative that you thoroughly combine the ingredients.

In order to guarantee that the eggs cook in a consistent manner and generate a camada that is cremosa around the macarrão, it is imperative to incorporate the eggs into the recipe. Through the process of eliminating the fog and subsequently removing the eggs that have been beaten over the macarrão, this objective is successfully achieved. Do not forget to mix the eggs on a regular basis.


Nutrition Tips:

In the event that you desire to use bacon, you should fry it separately until it becomes crocante and then add it to the macarrão along with several eggs. Ervas Frescas suggests experimenting with the addition of fresh manjericão or cebolinha to achieve an additional flavour.

Apart from the use of parmesão, it is also possible to employ other types of cheese, such as pecorino romano or grana padano respectively. Legumes: Adicione espinafre fresco, tomates cereja cortados ao meio, ou cogumelos para uma versão mais rica em vegetais.


Assisting: Consume the macarrão with ovo as soon as possible, in a timely manner, so order to take advantage of the nutty flavour of the eggs and the richness of the flavours. Be sure to accompany your meal with a simple green salad or a pão de alho for a complete and satisfying meal.

Armazenamento: If you are unable to do so, store the macarrão with the egg in a hermetic container in the refrigerator for a period of at least two days. As a means of rehydrating, place the food in a refrigerator and add a small amount of butter or water to prevent it from being overly cold.

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