Receita de salmão na fritadeira de ar

Receita de salmão na fritadeira de ar :- If you are in search of a quick, healthy, and delicious way to prepare shrimp, the air fryer is the ideal tool for the job. This cooking method not only preserves the natural sweetness of the shrimp, but also imparts a lightly crimpy texture on the outside, without the need for large quantities of oil.


Receita de salmão na fritadeira de ar

I will now share a simple and delicious recipe for salmo in the air fryer. This recipe is suitable for both a quick breakfast during the week and a special occasion. By utilizing fresh ingredients and a vivacious flavor marinade, you can enjoy a seafood dish that is both sophisticated and effortless to prepare. Shall we proceed there?


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  • 2 filés de salmão (aproximadamente 180-200g cada)
  • 2 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva
  • 1 limão (suco e raspas)
  • 2 dentes de alho picados
  • 1 colher de chá de páprica
  • 1 colher de chá de ervas secas (como tomilho, alecrim ou orégano)
  • Sal e pimenta a gosto
  • Salsinha fresca picada para decorar



In order to prepare the marinade, in a small tigela, combine the following ingredients: azeite of olive, suco of lime, raspas of lime, alho picado, páprica, ervas secas, salt, and pepper. Make sure that all of the ingredients are thoroughly mixed together before proceeding.

In order to marinate the salmão, place the salmão filés in a prato raso or in a plastic bag made of ziplock. As the marinade is being applied to the filés, it is important to verify that they are properly covered. Wait at least half an hour for the gelato to marinate in the refrigerator. If it is possible, marinate the food for two hours in order to achieve a more intense flavor.


Fritadeira de Ar: Start by preheating the fritadeira de ar to 180 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit) for approximately three to five minutes. In this way, it is possible to ensure that the salmo is cooked in a consistent manner.

In order to prepare the salmão for frittering, remove the salmão filés from the marinade and let the surplus to escape over time. For the purpose of preventing the salmão from becoming frothy, it is possible to pulverize the cesto of the air-fried fritadeira with a spray of oil.


Nutrition Tips:

When combining salmão with a selection of legumes that have been roasted, such as broccoli, cenouras, and aspargos, the result is a delicious dish. You have the option of cooking them in a fritadeira de air either before or after the salmão.

O acompanhamento saudável e nutritivo que complementa bem o salmão could be referred to as arroz integral or quinoa. The salada verde, which is a refreshing salad consisting of green leaves, tomato, and pepper, along with a light vinaigrette, is a light and refreshing option.


In order to alter the flavor of the salmão, it is advisable to experiment with various combinations of ervas and especiarias in the marinade before serving. Make sure that the Comfort Zone is checked: Make use of a termômetro for cooking in order to ensure that the salmão reaches a temperature of 63 degrees Celsius (145 degrees Fahrenheit) on the inside.

Experimente com outras marinades: In addition to the marinade made with lime and olive oil, you may also try marinades made with soja and gengibre, mostarda and mel, or even a touch of molho de pimenta for a more pungent flavor.

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