Receita de Strogonoff de Carne

Receita de Strogonoff de Carne :- One of the most well-known and highly regarded dishes is the Strogonoff of meat, which is characterised by the combination of meat from the macia cut into a molho that is both creamy and savoury. Following this is a recipe that is both traditional and delicious, and it can be prepared at home.


Receita de Strogonoff de Carne

One of the most well-known and highly acclaimed recipes is the Strogonoff of meat, which is distinguished by the mixture of meat from the macia sliced into a molho that is both creamy and savoury. This dish is ranked among the most popular foods in the world. This is a meal that is not only delicious but also classic, and it can be made at home. Continue reading for more information.


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  • 500g de carne bovina (filé mignon, alcatra ou contrafilé), cortada em tiras finas
  • 1 cebola média picada
  • 2 dentes de alho picados
  • 200g de champignons fatiados (opcional)
  • 1 colher de sopa de manteiga
  • 2 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva
  • 1 colher de sopa de ketchup
  • 1 colher de sopa de mostarda
  • 200ml de creme de leite
  • 1/2 xícara de molho de tomate
  • Sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto
  • 1 colher de chá de páprica doce
  • 1 dose de conhaque (opcional)
  • Salsinha picada para decorar


Modo de Preparo:

As the preparation of the meat begins, begin by cutting the meat into thin strips. To ensure that they cook in a consistent manner, it is necessary to maintain the same size of the tyres. To season the meat with salt and pimenta-do-reino, bring it to a simmer.

To sear the meat, place the azeite of olive oil and the manteiga in a medium-to-high-temperature fog. This should be done on a large panel or a frigideira funda. Until the meat and vegetables have become dry, add the meat and vegetables to the pan. Faça isso em etapas para não lotar a panela, ensuring that the meat is evenly separated and does not dissolve in liquid, in the event that it is necessary to do so.


Refogar os Aromáticos: In the same panel, be sure to add the cebola picada and continue refining it until it becomes unrecognisable. After the alho has been shaved, it should be refrigerated for a further minute until it has become fragrant.

Adicionar os Champignons: Se estiver usando champignons, adicione-os à panela e cozinhe por alguns minutos até que estejam macios. Flambar com Conhaque: Se desejar, adicione uma dose de conhaque à panela e flambe, inclinando levemente a panela para que o álcool entre. This will allow the fog to come into contact with the chama of the fog.


In order to prepare the mole, add the ketchup, the mostarda, and the tomato molho to the panela, and mix them together thoroughly so that all of the ingredients are included. Delay the cooking of the molho for a few minutes so that the flavours can come together.


Dicas e Variações:

There is a general agreement among the majority of individuals that the filé mignon is the most typical and traditional choice for the strogonoff when it comes to the type of meat that is used in the preparation of the meal. Both alcatra and contrafilé, on the other hand, are examples of wonderful options that ought to be taken into account.

Champions: in spite of the fact that they are not required, champignons add a flavour and texture to the meal that is aesthetically pleasant to the palate. The meal, on the other hand, is not the only option available.


There is no requirement for the addition of conhaque to the flambar; yet, it does create an additional layer of flavour that is distinct to the food that has been cooked. It is possible to incorporate the molho into the mixture in order to reach the necessary amount of integration, which can be accomplished by addition of the molho.

As soon as the alho and the cebola have reached the desired temperature, you will be able to add a colher of sopa to the mixture. Additionally, the farinha of trigo is utilised in the process of preparing this colher.

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