8 Plants That Repel and Keep Rabbits Out of Your Yard

Marigolds have a strong, unpleasant smell that rabbits don't like. Putting these happy, bright flowers around the edges of your garden can naturally keep rabbits away.    


Lavender smells good to humans but repels rabbits. This perennial herb repels rabbits and attracts bees and butterflies.


Cats love catnip, but bunnies don't. This plant stinks like mint, which rabbits hate. It is a hardy perennial that thrives in many circumstances.  


Onions, garlic, and chives repel rabbits with their pungent smells. Place these plants strategically around your property to deter rabbits.  


Sage is fragrant and avoided by rabbits. It deters with its pungent aroma and unpleasant taste. Sage is useful for herb gardens and cookery.  


The smell of thyme bothers rabbits. This little perennial deters rabbits and gives flavor to food.      


Bee balm, or bergamot, repels rabbits with its minty scent. It attracts bees and hummingbirds with its gorgeous flowers.  

Bee Balm 

Rabbits avoid yarrow due to its harsh taste and pungent odor. This hardy perennial attracts useful insects and is therapeutic.  


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